Today is the full restart for the #cuad (College Union & Activities Discussion) Twitter chat. Today’s topic will be Summer Programming. What constitutes summer programming, what types of programs folks are putting on, what budget they are working with, roadblocks they’ve been running into with summer programming etc.
3pm EST/ 2pm CT today on Twitter. You can even follow cuad_mod on Twitter if you’d like.
Jeff Lail from’s Campus Tech podcast and other sites is working with me on an article for the ACUI Commons about the chat for tomorrow. Here’s a bit from him regarding the #cuad chat:
For those engaged on Twitter, you’ve seen the weekly #sachat (Student Affairs Chat) that draws student affairs professionals together at 1pm on Thursdays to talk about student affairs topics. We’ve decided to initiate a similar conversation weekly on Tuesdays at 3pm Eastern to talk specifically about college union and activities topics.
Our hope is to engage the college union and student activities professional community that already exists on Twitter in meaningful discussion about topics pertinent to our work and profession. We plan on trying out other technologies in the future as to engage folks that may not be interested in Twitter. Please join us for this substantive discussion and free professional development opportunity to learn from other professionals in ACUI!
So come check out the chat today and make sure to put #cuad on your calendars this summer – Tuesdays at 3pm!