Video: Women Talk Tech Mini-Institute at #NASPAtech via @higheredlive.

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This is a video of myself, Kristen Abel and Cindy Kane presenting at last week’s NASPAtech conference in Newport, RI. I was the “Tweet Mistress” of sorts, so I was mostly off camera tweeting out sparks of knowledge from our session. Eric Stoller was gracious enough to tape the entire session for us and post it on HigherEdLive.

One thought on “Video: Women Talk Tech Mini-Institute at #NASPAtech via @higheredlive.

    #OneWord reflection from 2011 « jennifer keegin dot com said:
    December 19, 2011 at 10:09 pm

    [...] attended NASPAtech and presented with two fabulous women a “Women Talk Tech” mini-institute. (Kristen Abel & Cindy Kane) which started a whole new commitment to developing my knowledge in [...]

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