OneWord 2013 Reveal


Here’s what I love about the Universe – I decide early on that I’m going to chose “Connect” as my One Word for 2013. I want to prep for this blog post, so I go online to search for images, articles, etc. that revolve around Connecting. Here’s what I find – a great article on “The 7 Pillars of Connecting With Absolutely Anyone“. Great read – then I see it was written by a Dinsmore. My maiden last name. Awesome. Connections are everywhere and even though I do not have “Connection” in my Top 5 or even Top 10 Strengths Finder report – I’m going to focus on that this year.

I have been a fairly guarded individual for the last two years. You might find that funny considering how active I am with social media – but its totally true. I have not been directly involved with a volunteer position in my professional org of choice. I have networked – from my desk/computer- but not so much one-on-one. I failed to truly let people in on a real level, afraid of having to maintain something I wasn’t sure I was up for. I did that thing I have done in the past – shelved the “real” Jennifer – to put out instead that other version that just tries to stay out of the limelight and doesn’t get hopes up and tries to be whatever I need to be at that minute for whomever. (Let me also add that these statements and the rest of this post have nothing what-so-ever to do with my home life).

I have had my reasons. Five bosses in two years will do that to you (Retired, Restructured, Temp Placement). Didn’t want to volunteer not knowing what was going on at work, haven’t been so hot at creating and developing new relationships on campus even after numerous colleagues have moved on, away from Binghamton. Tried to stick to the program, and not venture out too much to avoid any necessary drama or unwanted attention.

However, things have been slowly changing now that I have a boss who is here to stay. Someone supportive, a good listener and ready to help me pursue my goals.

I also had an amazing time at the Women’s Leadership Institute and had some truly brilliant women give me some truly meaningful advice which motivated me to lift my head out of the hole I had created and get back in the game.

So I’ve Been Connecting

1. I went to lunch with a colleague from the University and had a great time. Someone I knew via Twitter, but had n ever really connected with “off-line”. Great conversation ensued, and the risk I took by letting someone else into my work circle was a great decision. I’ve already committed to another lunch date with another Twitter friend and look forward to it.

2. Took the time to reach out to all the of women I had “legit” conversations with at the Women’s Leadership Institute via Twitter and LinkedIn. It took time, but felt good spending time on those individual invite emails. Recalling when and where we had spoken or met. Great refresher to recall people.

3. Sent out New Year messages to a TON of folks on Facebook. Have gotten approx. 60 responses back. I couldn’t believe how many people responded eagerly to the notion that I wanted to do a better job keeping in touch with them and how many wanted the same thing. Again, it felt good to take the time to invest in my relationships.

4. Going to challenge myself to rebuild the bridges of certain relationships that have ceased to work due to drama, time, location etc.

5. Joined the ACUI Region 2 Leadership Team as the Communications Coordinator. Embracing the me that I try to hide, that “mass-communications-degree-holding-dork” who loves the internet.

6. Don’t be surprised if you see some blog posts with “connecting” as a theme. It’ll happen.

So don’t be surprised if you meet me and I seem fascinated by you.

It’s my new thing. I was always fascinated by you in my own way – but now I’ll show it more and I just might remember every detail of your story about your aunt’s sister’s cousin who just had a baby…ok that’s a lie. I won’t. But I’ll tell you that baby is ADORABLE.

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7 thoughts on “OneWord 2013 Reveal

  1. 1- your blog is awesomesauce!
    2- sounds like you are already living out your #oneword and already reaching out to make connections real in 2013.

    Cheers to you!

  2. Welcome back~you are so connected, it’s just time to act on those connections. I love to hear another “WLI got me thinking” story too. Thank you for being engaged and active in the process! Happy 2013!

  3. Jennifer,
    I love your blog; it is inspirational and a great way to start 2013! I look forward to keeping in touch via your blog.

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