A must read article from Brain Pickings. Read the entire article here. Continue reading
Category Archives: Attitude
One Word 2014 ACTION
Why did I choose action? Am I a lazy person? No. Do I need to walk the walk not just talk the talk? Not really. I’m pretty good at that. So what is it? Its a combo of your traditional “I need to eat better, walk more, Zumba more…put my body in motion.” Paired with … Continue reading
Moto Monday :: Creativity
Do Whatever You Want (SFW paraphrase)
I just have to give Jeff Lail some major props on this one. It’s such a great post and I know he’s sharing Nicole Antoinette’s thoughts, but it’s great. Please follow Jeff. He’s got a lot of stuff in his head. Continue reading
Do Something Today (Quote)
What shall it be? Continue reading
We need more charming in the world.
I was dazzled by the performance above and kept thinking about how charming it was. I need more charm in my life. I think that’s what the Oscars needed more of. Charming moments, gracious comments. But beyond the Oscars… charm n. 1. The power or quality of pleasing or delighting; attractiveness 2. A particular quality that attracts; … Continue reading