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Tech Lady Tuesday: International Women’s Day 2016 Edition Tweet Roundup!
General / Tech Lady Tuesdays / Tech Stuff / Women In Tech

Tech Lady Tuesday: International Women’s Day 2016 Edition Tweet Roundup!

Can you name any women inventors? We asked girls who love science this question. #IWD2016 #MakeWhatsNext — Microsoft (@Microsoft) March 7, 2016 // Thank you Michelle for your relentless curiosity. #InternationalWomensDay #IWD2016 #STEM — 3M (@3M) March 8, 2016 // #OneDayIWill #JourneyToMars. Meet four women who can't wait to go: #InternationalWomensDay — … Continue reading

Stop. Think. Are you engaged at work? Why do you work in HigherEd?

Stop. Think. Are you engaged at work? Why do you work in HigherEd?

Originally posted on @PaulGordonBrown:
Infographic from Yesterday, I came across this interesting infographic mashup that maps worker engagement onto the classic pyramid of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.  (Thanks for sharing Dustin Ramsdell!)  Given that I am job searching myself, while also attempting to build a culture of engagement at my current institution, this infographic really…